We Are Screen for Success
“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”
Screen for Success is a campaign from the Wyoming Department of Health on a mission to spread awareness about all the positive elements of early childhood developmental screenings. We’re here to show families, child care providers, and early childhood educators what screenings look like, why they are so great, and how to access screenings in Wyoming. We want every child to receive their free screening!
Federal Programs for Young Children
Under the Department of Health umbrella, Screen for Success involves the Early Intervention and Education Program (EIEP). EIEP serves children ages 0 – 5 by providing free screenings and services to assist children and families. There are 14 child development centers across Wyoming that provide these services.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that makes free public education available, and it’s tailored to the individual needs of all eligible children with disabilities. Federal grants allow these free services for all children who qualify.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Screen for Success is trifold: to spread awareness of available screenings, to increase the number of screenings received by children across Wyoming, and to help alleviate the negative stigma that has previously been associated with early childhood developmental screenings. We aim to accomplish these goals with education and community.
Screen for Success is continuously developing educational resources for families and providers that are based on the Stages of Development, the developmental milestones that children reach from ages 0 – 5, and what different types of developmental screenings can involve. We have also created a series of videos that include real Wyoming parents, providers, and kids, and their personal stories about how they have experienced developmental screenings.

Screen for Success works closely with early childhood partners here in Wyoming – such as WY Quality Counts – and shares the expertise and resources from national early childhood partners, such as Head Start. Working with Wyoming partners helps us spread the Screen for Success message and align our efforts to create positive early childhood experiences with others doing similar work. Sharing the research and content created by national partners allows us to diversify Screen for Success’s knowledge base and expert voices, providing access to a broader set of resources and creating a more complete story for Wyoming’s families and early childhood professionals.
We also build community through social media, and keep our community connected and updated with a monthly newsletter. It’s important to us to have multiple ways to keep in touch, share stories, teach and learn together.

Wyoming Department of Health
(307) 777-6972
(307) 777-7515
Screen for Success is for every child and every family in Wyoming, without exception, and without discrimination.