by screen4success | Apr 11, 2023
Cognition & Perception – What to Look for Ages 3–5 As your child grows and meets cognitive milestones, they will perform actions and speak based on the things they see and come to understand in their environment. Here are a few ways you will notice these...
by screen4success | Apr 11, 2023
Cognition & Perception – What to Look for Ages 1–3 As your child grows, they will begin performing actions, making noises, and speaking based on the things they see and come to understand in their environment. Here are a few ways you will notice these developments...
by screen4success | Apr 11, 2023
Cognition & Perception – What to Look for Ages Birth – 1 Babies are always learning, thinking, and exploring, gathering new information and discovering new things. The cognitive milestones they reach are important steps in their development. Here are some of the...
by screen4success | Apr 11, 2023
Cognition & Perception Milestones Here are some milestones to look for as your young children learn, think, and explore the world around them as they develop cognition and perception skills. Download the Resource Learn More About Early Childhood Development...
by screen4success | Apr 11, 2023
Cognition & Perception – A Closer Look Past experiences with the world around them creates the basis for how your children will experience new things. They will understand and adjust to new things based on what they learned from past experiences. Download the...